


The school library is the heart of our school, has learning at its core and empowers the young learners. - The resources in our library allow the child's imagination to run free, introduce them to new experiences and promote access to knowledge and enjoyment.

Our school library also helps teachers to use a broader range of strategies, Project Work, Individual Study, group research, reading and teaching of ICT, amongst other thing, all take place within the school library and in providing this flexible place for learning, teachers themselves are encouraged to widen and enrich their own teaching strategies.

Computer Lab

The importance of technology can't be overstated in the world today. With the latest gadgets and software springing by the day, if one is not update with it, it's fairly easy to lose track. Technology coupled with education is an empowering tool.

At Takshashila Public School we have computer lab equipped with advanced infrastructure in terms of hardware and software to cater the requirements of the students, teachers and the curriculum. The teacher uses an LCD TV to demonstrate the concepts alongside the theory being taught.

Science Lab

The School has well equipped laboratories For Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Students are encouraged to use these laboratories to learn through experiments. Every year latest instruments, specimens, charts etc. are purchased for these laboratories.

Every student is an enthusiastic scientist in the making, and they spend part of their school time in laboratory. They try to explore, probe and experiment to find the truth behind the facts of life, to solve problems, to fend off madness and chaos that result out of ignorance and preconceived notions.

Laboratories are stimulating places for Science students and since our children need to, practice their hands on experiments. The Physics, Chemistry & Biology Laboratories at Takshashila Public School cater to the needs of CBSE experiments. As many as 40 students can perform a wide range of experiments simultaneously while the teachers and lab-assistants always at hand provide constant supervision and guidance for optimum results. Projects can be developed of a very superior standard thereby encouraging investigative analysis and reasoning.

Smart Classes

Now a days everything has changed in our lives with the all pervasive intervention of technology. However classrooms have remained untouched by technology. The classrooms that our grandparents went to are exactly the kind of classrooms our children study in. Chalk and blackboard, a packed classroom, text books, regimented curriculum, a teacher painstakingly explaining abstract concepts with the limited tools at her disposal.

Smartclass brings about a complete transformation in classrooms. The Science teacher while explaining how a DNA replicates is able to show the class a 3D animation of the DNA replication process on a large screen. She can explain the fine points of the process, zoom in to show the relevant visuals, freeze and annotate when and where she needs to emphasize. Similarly the History teacher shows the class a virtual walk through of the Harappan Civilisation. Uncovering the relevant parts step by step as a part of her lesson plan , while the Geography teacher shows a virtual Block mountain being formed…all with engaging animations, colors, music, sounds and voice. The teachers gain complete attention and interest of every child in the class. Every child gets a visual input on how it happens and the concepts are well understood and internalised.