Principal Message

Principal Message


TAKSHASHILA PUBLIC SCHOOL has been established with a clear understanding that it is not going to be an additionto the existing schools but to become a seat of learning that may answer the challenges of the new millennium and produce future leaders with a global perspective and Indian ethos. We at Takshashila Public School sincerely believe that each child is a unique creation of God with tremendous potential and genius within, waiting to be unleashed. Educational institutions should be the centre of nurturing this uniqueness and fashioning the soul of each child at his own pace; ensuring they grow into socially well integrated individuals who will confidently be able to meet the challenges of life.

To this end we wish to provide the child an atmosphere full of joy and bonhomie where the child's latent potential blossoms and bring about an all-round integrated and holistic growth.

I consider it as an honour to take on the mantle of the founder principal of this school and carry forward the legacy of excellence synonymous with the TAKSHASHILA name. In this absolutely stimulating odyssey our fellow travellers would be the parents and teachers as we firmly believe that at the root of effective education, there has to be a meaningful three way relationship between the child, teacher and parent, because a child's education begins at home and is continued in partnership with the school.

Upholding and seeking contemporary definition of our motto, "Equal opportunity for all", it is our prayer that our students venture into the world not only to excel and achieve but to remain beautiful human beings with the noblest of values and a strong individuality!